Tag Archives: movie

Lessons from “Sex and the City”

9 Jul

So I went to go see “Sex in the City” tonight . . .by myself. I’ve gone to the movies by myself before but never at night. It was scary and once I got the parking lot, I almost turned around to go home. But I really wanted to see the movie and I decided to go for it. I’m glad I did. It was a great to see one of my small screen favorites on the big screen. I’ve always liked the show because I related in ways to the characters in some ways, though not totally.

Here are my top five lessons learned from the movie:

5. I’m not the only one who’s ever had a “Big” in their life

4. In some situations we need to love ourselves more than others

3. It’s ok to forgive

2. Sometimes when you stop trying, that’s often when you get the thing you want.

1. Love often defies logic

Corny, I know. But fun. The movie was a great first step in dating myself. Next step: dinner alone. That’ll never happen! 🙂 Nite!