Tag Archives: shameless

Shameless Flirting

15 Jul

A coworker and I went to lunch like we normally do. I took her to a new place. I was staring down at the menu when I heard this deep, sexy voice in my ear. It was our waiter! He was sooo cute. He kept smiling at me and I kept smiling at him. Finally I said, “You are so cute.” He blushed. Then I blushed. It was so cute. But it just feel nice to just feel comfortable enough to flirt. I didn’t have any intentions on taking it any further. He was probably only like 21 but it was fun.

I was looking at another site about how to get back into the dating game. One way was to just strike up a conversation with a guy. So, I tried it. It wasn’t really much of a conversation but a start to build my confidence.